Morning Talk: “Mountains and Human Origins in South Africa”

Morning Talk: “Mountains and Human Origins in South Africa”


10:30 am


West Coast Fossil Park
R45 Langebaan Road, Vredenburg, Cape West Coast

Event Type

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Date: 6 December

Time: 10:30

Location: West Coast National Park

Contact: Wendy/Nadia/Hildegard/Michael  Tel: 022 766 1606 | Email: [email protected]/[email protected]


A morning talk with coffee and cake! “Mountains and human origins in South Africa”

How the Cape Fold Belt mountains may have influenced our evolution

by periodically isolating populations on the West and South Coasts of South Africa

and how diet, climate and landscape shaped us. Presented by John Compton  Associate Professor

Department of Geological Sciences, University of Cape Townscreen-shot-2016-11-22-at-4-33-33-pm


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