Date: 14 March
Time: 18:00
Location: West Coast National Park
Contact: RSVP Nadia, Wendy or Hildegard 022 766 1606 | [email protected]
The West Coast Fossil Park invites you to attend their next evening talk : The Wreck of the Portuguese Slaver, Saõ José. Presented by Jaco Boshoff, Co-Principal Investigator on the wreck of Saõ José
The Saõ José was a slave ship from Portugal. It sank in 1794 off the coast of Cape Town near Clifton Beach and the discovery and identification of the wreck was confirmed in 2015. The ship and its slaves were headed from Mozambique to Brazil.
Many other slave ships have been found, but the São José is the only shipwreck discovered, as of 3 June 2015, of a working slave ship, which sank in transit.
Talk: R35
Meal: R80