Riebeek Valley Olive Festival

Every year thousands of people descend on the Riebeek Valley for the annual Olive Festival.

Quintessentially West Coast : Bokkom Focaccia

Georgia East from the Fortunate Ones Blog, updates the West Coast Bokkom in this modern Bokkom Focaccia Recipe.

Darling Brew Slow Beer – Cape West Coast

Blogger Di Brown experienced Darling and visited the Darling Brew Tap Room “SLOW Quarter” where she tasted the best craft beer in South Africa: Slow Beer, Native Ale, Bone Crusher and Black Mist – pairing each of the beers with a selection of light meals that enhanced their unique flavours.

Cheers to Our Food Heritage: How Beer and Braai’s can Save us, and the Boks

So, our initial foray into the Rugby World Cup 2015 was an unmitigated disaster. And to add insult to injury, we allowed a country with absolutely no beer culture be the author of that humiliation. Eish! But I say all is not lost! Are we going to let that bump…

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