The days are getting shorter and the weather is cooling as we march towards autumn. There is still plenty of exciting things to do on the Cape West Coast and we have compiled the top events for March to keep you busy:
Darling Brew Dinner with Felix
Date: 4 March
Time: 19:00
Location: Darling Brew, 48 Caledon Street, Darling
Contact: 021 286 1099 | [email protected]
Part of the Culture Route | Darling
Description: Join in on an evening of craft beer and food pairing. Food prepared by their brewmaster Felix. R200 per person.
Sundowners at !Khwattu San
Date: 5 March
Time: 17:00
Location: !Khwattu San
Contact: +27 22 492 2998 | [email protected]
Part of the Culture Route | !Khwattu
Description: Join the !Khwa ttu team for spectacular views, stunning sunsets, good food and wine. Snack platters are available at R55 per person. Transport to and from Yzerfontein & Darling available
CANSA Relay for Life Vredenburg
Date: 12 – 13 March
Location: Vredenburg Sports Grounds
Contact: Margo Koch 084 465 3001 | [email protected] | 0800 22 66 22
Description: Join in on the CANSA Relay for Life in Vredenburg to celebrate, remember and fight back. Teams walk together throughout the night. R650 per team (10 – 15 members). Public entries: Adults R10 Kids R10
Sunday Buffet at Thali Thali Game Lodge
Date: 6, 13, 20 & 27 March
Time: 12:00
Location: Thali Thali Game Lodge
Contact: Amalia 082 372 8637
Part of the Foodie Route | Thali Thali Game Lodge
Description: Book you table for their popular buffet! R160 per adult and R80 for kids between 5 and 12 years old.
Talk at Darling Museum
Date: 18 March
Location: Darling Museum, Darling
Contact: 022 492 3361
Part of the Culture Route | Darling
Description: Talk at the Darling Museum by Rika Mitchell on China
Malmesbury Relay for Life
Date: 19 – 20 March
Location: Malmesbury
Contact: 022 482 1111 | [email protected]
Description: Community walk off for CANSA.
Cancer affects us all – one in four South Africans will be affected by cancer in their lifetime, either by a family member, friend, colleague or themselves.
CANSA Relay For Life is a Celebration of Hope and Survivorship.
Langebaan Easter Market Day
Date: 16 March
Time: 09:00 – 14:00
Location: c/o Bree and Suffren Street, Town Hall, Langebaan
Contact: Tamerrin [email protected] / 0726382972
Part of the Foodie Route | Langebaan
Description: Kom kuier lekker saam met hierdie Paasfees by die Langebaan Paas Markdag op Saterdag, 26 Maart 2016 vanaf 9vm tot 2nm by Langebaan Stadsaal, hoek van Bree en Suffren Straat.
Almal baie welkom om te kom kyk, koop, proe en natuurlik ook pannekoek te geniet by die vele binne- en buitelig stalletjies. Lekker konfyt, biltong, ouma brood en kerrie bone, beet, vetkoek burgers, pasteie, melktert, lekkers, popcorn en nog baie meer om van te kies! Staan kans om pryse te wen soos Cape Wheel kaartjies en produkte deur plaaslike besighede. Gratis parkeering en toegang.
Groote Post Country Market
Date: 27 March 2016
Time: 10h00 – 15h00
Location: Groote Post, Darling
Contact: Eldré Strydom: +27 (0)828776677 or Email: [email protected]
Event type: Market
Culture Route Route, Darling
Description: Local is lekker with locals presenting a divine selection of Darling gourmet produce including mushrooms, burgers, breads, cheese, cured meats, olive oils, preserves and much more – to enjoy at the market or take home.