Statement by Shadow Minister of Tourism James Vos MP: Runway upgrading receives green light

In the news:  Statement by Shadow Minister of Tourism James Vos MP: Runway upgrading receives green light

I welcome the announcement by the Department of Environmental Affairs granting approval for the upgrading of the Cape Town International Airport.
This comes after much motivation by our respective teams in parliament and the Western Cape Air Access to ensure that this project takes place given its economic benefits. I take great pride in this project given my lengthy submissions that ensured these upgradings happen because of my belief that airports are major players in the travel and trade landscape.
According to the approval granted the most noticeable upgrade will be a new and realigned runway amounting to R3.18 billion. Other upgradings include new terminal buildings, boarding gates, aircraft parking stands, taxiways and service roads. The re-aligned primary runway, Runway 18-36, will be 3 500 metres in length and will be built to international specifications, allowing larger aircraft like A380s and other Code F aircraft to land at the airport.
The upgrading of the Cape Town International Airport will bring about increased air access into the region and stimulate tourism and economic activity.
It is reported that during construction of the airport upgrading 200 jobs will be created while in the long term between 900 and 3200 employment opportunities will come as a result of the upgraded airport.
I will submit parliamentary questions to ensure that this project happens within the prescribed timeframes and according to plan.
We need these types of infrastructure projects that will ultimately drive demand and make business sense, especially as our region and county face challenges on all fronts.

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